Saturday, May 30, 2009

duck, duck....

I forgot I had taken this picture. We have the cutest pair of ducks that wonder our neighborhood. We will see them sitting in little puddles or crossing the street. They were in our front yard one day and we opened the front door and sat on the porch for a minute and feed these two. They were so cute and I instantly chided Loren for duck hunting, I just can't think about it. In my mind they catch them, pet them and let them fly away, it's better that I am delusional about this one.


katherine said...

jamie i love these 2 posts and great photographs! ya know what else i love, catching up with you!! it is always so fun to see you (and Lance enjoys talking to Loren so much!) we really really will go to lunch soon!

Jane Durham said...

fun, there are two little rabbits that live at in my parents yard. I feel so attached to them and worry when I haven't seen them in awhile!

the mortensen's said...

what kind of camera do you have? Nikon? I need one.

the mortensen's said...

happy birthday way back on the 21st! are you impressed I remembered? But i guess it doens't count because I forgot to say something...